גליון #14/SHARE, מאי 2016
שער הגיליון מאת Emily Drew Miller. לצפיה בשער לחצו כאן


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 In the video-work Anatolia,  acts  of  covering and  wrapping  are  not  personalised.  Cultural  layers of  the  past do not reach  as  far  as  the  cultural  diversity  of  the  region  of  Anatolia.  The  covering of  the  model  here  is  gestural.  However,  different  social  roles  are  questioned  to  point  to  the feminine  in  this  work.  The concept  for  the  video-work  refers  to  the  issues  of  taboo  and privacy  in  addition  to  the  cultural  diversity  of  Anatolia  itself.

The  feminine role which appears  in social performances  in society  is overlapping  with  the  covering of  the  model in the film. For example:  employed  woman,  woman  in  the  home,  the  woman  next to  her  husband  etc

They  show  the psychology of regional wrapping. The film emphasis  notonly  social strangulation but also that women  have  been  converted  into cultural objects. Especially, woman’s  freedom.

In addition to being related to the region of Anatolia, it is a visual feast on on the diversity of traditions.

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Şinasi Güneş

.Güneş  wasborn in 1968 andlives&works in Istanbul. Havingcompleted his Master at Marmara University, Fine Art Faculty, Department of Painting in 1992



Anatolia from Sinasi Gunes on Vimeo.

Video-Art, 2006