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Plastik Arts

Opening: 25.10.18 at 18:00 PM - Closing: 8.11.18

Artist: Group Exhibition
Curator: Yanay Geva

The plastic dilemma at the end of the second decade of the 21st century: the vast range of polymeric materials and products used in every field of life – and for the rest of our lives vs. the concern for the fate of the Earth. The exhibition offers an artistic and philosophical meditation on the gap between the “magic of synthetic ease” and the weight of its price.


Artists: Riva Pinski Awadish, Yoel Gilon, Alon Even Paz, Smadar Tsook, Hadar Amit, Shlomo Seri, Rachi Shamir, Roni Barot, Hadassah Berri, Chana Cromer, Meir Reuven Zalevsky, Alex Goldberg, Yaron Mayer, Uri Rauscher, Miri Garmizo.


Yoel Gilon, Van Gogh Chair Painting from Keter Plastic, 2018


Marie Gallery

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12 Agrippas St.
Mon-Thu 16:30-19:30 Fri-Sat and holiday eves 11:00-14:00
25, 32, 66, 66a, 74, 75
Davidka station