الاشتراك في النشرة الإخبارية الإلكترونية


Pixel Habitat

25.10.12 - 1.5.13

فنّان: Reuven Zahavi
أمين المعرض: Michal Mor

An interactive installation of two dimensional animation projected in the gallery over an area of 20 square meters.

The visitors participate in the creation: cameras recording their movements project a new virtual creation on the gallery walls and floor.

The work is based on pre-programmed codes and creater complicated relations of power, erasure, replication and more.

The installation is dynamic and active twenty-four hours daily, unpredictable and never repetitive.

Selections from the installation will be on display at the library and the cafeteria.



The Stern Little Gallery Mt. Scopus Campus

The Stern Gallery at the Mount Scopus campus was inaugurated in 2000. Over the last three years the gallery formulated a new work concept that connects the academia with the art world; a close collaboration between international academic conferences and contemporary art. The exhibits span a variety of media, including installation, video art, paintings, prints and more, while each exhibition is held throughout the semester and responds to the place and the times.
Mt. Scopus Campus
Sun.-Thurs. 9 am-8 pm
Buses 4A, 17, 19, 68, 69
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