Efrat Eyal ,Noa Arad Yairi, Ruth Barkai, Talia Tokatly, Daphna Yalon, Tamar Paykes, Peter Jacob Maltz, Zohar gotesman, Katharina Kneip,
Matan Israeli
The stone wall that surrounds Musrara/Morasha can be regarded as a sound barrier wall – but more than that it is the unofficial border between East and West Jerusalem. The original and utopian plan for the seam line area sported bridges, a park, promenade and a sunken road – but was replaced by a highway and an impervious wall, with the thought that “good fences make good neighbors.” The works in the exhibition use the wall as a starting point, offering the chance to examine our complicated approach towards walls, borders and no-man’s-land that lies in between.
Noa Arad Yairi, Noman, 2011, concrete cast. Photograph: Yuval Yairi