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Artist: Group Exhibition
Curator: Pnina Frank and Noa Lea  Cohn

The word home is used very often in everyday conversation and yet that word can have very different meanings and associations for each person. The sense of   Home is not necessarily geographic, or physical as in four walls and the space within them. What makes a home? This group show hopes to give some answers as provided by the artists

Artists: Ronen Siman Tov , Anat Bar- El, Israel Rabinowitz, Dalia Arieli, Pnina Frank,  Lena Zur, Caron Greenblat, David Louis ,Avigail Fried, Yaakov Luski,  Sylvia Bar-Am, Chana Goldberg,Lea Laukstein, Atalia Shachar, Esti Liphshitz, Nava Barazani, Bat Nadiv Hakarmi, Dan Orimian, Chana Yeger.

Ronen Siman-Tov, home/pit 30x40cm
Oil on canvas, 2015


The Art Shelter Gallery

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Yehuda Hamacabee  7, Makor Baruch , Jerusalem 025001019. For appointments contact
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Sunday,Tuesday andThursday 18:00-22:00 Fri. 10:00-13:00
55, light rail 'Mahane Yehuda' stop