الاشتراك في النشرة الإخبارية الإلكترونية


When the earth rises


فنّان: Sasha Tamarin
أمين المعرض: Sasha Tamarin, Tal Rosen and Yoel Fink

Sasha Tamarin’s work investigates the relationship between science, culture, and time. For the artist, rocks are universal objects that cannot be attributed to history or to a nation, but are rather charged with mystical powers of the timeless and eternal.

This body of work is comprised of a collection of images that ranges from an almost juvenile fantasy to a cynical point of view on humanity’s aspiration to solve the unattainable and even seize it.




Bezalel7 - Image Room was founded in May 2013 at the "Designers in the City" space, in a 2 by 4 meters room. The gallery seeks to expose the public to contemporary, young, and experimental art. First and foremost, we wish to form an additional platform for artists on their way to exhibit in larger galleries and museums. We encourage an experimental and curious approach to one's body of work and ways of presenting it; exposure of raw, unfinished, often abandoned work; and dealing with the unique challenges emerging from installing in this particular space. We aspire to form a network of relations between artists, curators, designers, and cultural institutions, which would support each other and collaborate with the aim of mutual development.

صفحتك الرئيسية
7 Bezalel
Sun.- Thu. 07:00 - 00:30, Fri. 07:00 – 15:30
9, 19, 7,17 (Busses 71,72,74,21 stop at the “Mashbir” station, a walking distance from the gallery)