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Special Edition

30.11.12 - 25.10.12

Artist: Nir Elias · Tomer Applebaum · Shiran Granot · Ronen Zevulun · Gil Cohen-Magen · Menachem Kahana · Ahikam Seri · Olivier Fittusi · Michal Fattal
Curator: Yoram Lehmann

The precise combination between the ability to document a moment that conveys a story and the technical skills and the photographic unique vision, determines who will be the leading press photographers.
“Special Edition” is the first exhibition of press photographers, active in various channels of communication, who are graduates of the Department of Photography in Hadassah Academic College. The participant’s photographs appear in the local daily press, international news organizations and in electronic and printed media, as well as books.


The Photography Gallery in memory of Yossi Nachmias

Home Page
37 Hanevi'im St. Jerusalem 91010
Sun-Thurs. 10:00-18:00
buses : 6,13,19,18,32,22,71
safra / jaffa center

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