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A Stone’s Throw Away

Opening: 27.10.21 - Closing: 30.12.21

Artist: SCAN THE CITY ( Inbar Caspi, Adam Havkin), Maya Muchawsky Parnas, Haim Parnas, Ami Drach and Dov Ganchrow, Emi Sfard, Danielle Alhassid, Noa Heyne, Matan Golan, Anat Saragusti, Yuval Tebol, Michal Baror, Sharon Balaban, Sephi Gershoni
Curator: Doron Altaratz, Tali Kayam

The two galleries at Hadassah Academic College collaborate in this group exhibition, which explores the practices of relocation and spatial assimilation through the use of diverse imaging techniques such as photogrammetry and video mapping alongside site specific installations and 3D objects. The exhibition’s title alludes to the proximity between the two galleries and between them and the fraught Jerusalemite sphere.


Tour at the exhibition “A Stone’s Throw Away”

Wednesday, 27.10 at 8 PM

The exhibition curators Doron Altaratz and Tali Kayam will lead a tour of the two galleries at Hadassah Academic College, which are a stone’s throw away from one another. The two spaces of the exhibition differ from one another and the works featured in them have a positive-negative relationship.

The gallery tour is free but requires registration here.


Danielle Alhassid, What’s Gone is Gone, 2020, Video still


Azrieli Gallery

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39 Hanevi'im St.
Sun–Thu 10:00-17:00
19, 19a
Jaffa Center Station