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Rina Nikova – Biblical Ballerina

Opening: 27.10.18 at 20:00 PM - Closing: 13.12.18

Artist: Group Exhibition
Curator: Guy Raz

Rina Nikova (b. 1898, Russia) immigrated to Palestine in the 1930s. She founded the Yemenite Dance Ensemble, engaged in ethnic and biblical choreography, and explored the link between dance and the land. On her 120th birthday, photographer Guy Raz and the staff of Hacubia curated an exhibition in the dancer’s home, the historical building constructed in the Valley of the Cross in the 1960s, which now houses Hacubia – Place for Art.


Artists: Zvi Oron (Orushkes), Shimon Korbman, Zoltan Kluger, Anna Riwkin-Brick, Yaakov Ben Dov, Nathan Axelrod, David Brainin, Iza Hershkovitz, Noa Raz-Melamed, Leor Grady.


Rina Nikova, prima ballerina, in “Swan Lake,” The Palestine Opera,1925-28, Photographer: Zvi Oron (Orushkes), Courtesy of the Zionist Archives, Jerusalem


Hacubia - Place for Art

Home Page
Yehoshua Yavin 13, Jerusalem
Sun-Thu 9:00-17:00 Friday by appointment
15,17,19, 22, 32
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