Tal Yerushalmi
Tali ben–nun
In her paintings, Tal Yerushalmi catalogues an inventory of objects while drawing away from the use associated with them. This is not a “classical” painting exhibition but rather a painting-sculpture-collage installation that unravels the two-dimensional surface at places, undermining the internal relations between composition, color, background, and visual content. The painting “sheds” leftovers, disintegrating into objects in space. It sends the viewer to gather findings and reconstruct the meanings embodied in contemporary painting.
Tal Yerushalmi, red pile, oil and acrylic on paper, 45×34 cm, 2017
Jerusalem Artists’ House
Home Page
12 Shmuel Hanagid St. Jerusalem
Sun. – Thu. 10am-1pm, 4pm-7pm Fri. 10am-1pm Sat: 11am-2pm
7, 19, 21, 4, 9, 18, 74