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The Tip Of The Iceberg

Opening: 27.10.21 - Closing: 30.12.21

Artist: Artists: Shulamit Etzion, Nadia Adina Rose, Haimi Fenichel
Curator: Avital Wexler

An iceberg floats above the surface of the sea, only one ninth of it is visible. The rest remains hidden, inaccessible, submerged. At times it seems that looking at an artwork exposes something greater that takes place outside the display space, as though only a sliver of another world can be glimpsed.


In the “The Interpretation of Dreams,” Freud described the topographical model of the mind as an iceberg. Only the top level of the iceberg – the conscious mind – is visible while the preconscious and the unconscious mind reside in the depths. The exhibition features new works that attempt to touch the visible part of the great unknown.


Nadia Adina Rose, Exit, installation detail, 2021


Beita Gallery

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155 Jaffa street, Jerusalem
Sun-Thu 9.00-17.00, Friday 10.00-13.00
Mahane Yehuda market station
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