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Three solo exhibitions

Opening: 22.10.21 - Closing: 24.12.21

Artist: Einat Arif-Galanti, Daniel Kiczales and Tal Golani
Curator: Tamar Gispan-Greenberg

Einat Arif Galanti

Arif Galanti’s monumental video projects a breathtaking mandala comprised of hundreds of still photographs of “junk food.” The hypnotic, richly colorful look of the work generates tension between the component details and the whole. The piece engages in the issue of genetically engineered food and candy, driven by the artist’s interest and aesthetic research of many years on culture in general and consumer culture in particular.

The video was made with support from the Ostrovsky Foundation.


Tal Golani

Golani’s new body of work centers on her most personal theme yet. In the new works, she documented rooms and corners in her grandparents’ home, which seemed to exist in a timeless universe since their passing. The paintings address, among other things, the presence in a home, as well as absence that is its direct result, and personal and technical memory.


Daniel Kiczales

Kiczales presents two new video and sound works. Each in its own way strives to push the boundaries and expand the discourse on “restructuring Israeli culture” and its symbols. Kiczales has chosen to address the uncontested “high priestess of Israeli song” – the late Naomi Shemer – and the circle dance that constituted the foundation of the Israeli horah.


Tal Golani, Grandma Drafting table, 120X90, oil on canvas, 2020


The New Gallery – Artists' Studios Teddy Stadium

Home Page
Teddy Stadium (gate 22)
Sun, Wed, Fri - 10:00-14:00. Tue, Thur 15:00-19:00, Or by Appointment
6, 18, 31, 77, 77A, 5, 12, 14, 10
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