Stage performances and exhibitions converge
In times like these, it seems that the only thing left for us to do is to believe. Believe in the possibility of a better future, and in our power to bring it about. Elements – a selection of performances – will seek to enable art to evoke the beliefs that lie within us, the hope that has been forgotten, and to remind us that the power to survive or to make a change is hidden inside of us. We aim to awaken the desire for connection, for cooperation, for a more beneficial relationship with the environment, and for the power of art to tie all of these together.
With the Elements selection you can visit contemporary art galleries throughout the city and experience dance pieces, performance art, experimental music, choir concerts and more. All of these will combine into a diverse, multifaceted and multi-recipient prayer, which believes in different forms of action that are based on the aspiration for goodness and shared existence.
Shirel Horowitz and Maya Sharabani will collaborate at A Studio of Her Own, in a performance which shares their friendship with the audience and demonstrates the creative and artistic potential that lies within a close interpersonal relationship.
As you lay down on a mattress, you can meet vocal artist Yosefa Zaouch and listen to her singing at the Jerusalem Print Workshop. Zaush will sing caressing, soothing lullabies from the Jewish scriptures, some well-known and some original. The concert will lead you into a healing and liberating experience that will connect heart and soul and allow rest and relaxation.
For the Koresh 14 gallery, Maayan Liebman Sharon has created a performance that combines poetry, which will be read by the poet Tchelet Zohar, with dance, which will be performed by the dancer Yulia Mejetskaya. The performance will celebrate the power of collaboration between people and between different media.
At Hansen House, Shaked Mochiach will present “At Night I Am Everybody”, a dance piece that is performed by a group of diverse participants (of different ages, genders, ethnicities, et cetera). Through the act of dancing, they will connect and together discover shared dimensions, deeper than what is apparent on the outside.
At Ticho House, Gai Sherf will perform in a forest of instruments of his own making. These will be activated by the wind, the audience and additional performers who will accompany him for a single, special evening.
Nico Teen will perform at the New Gallery Artists Studios in Teddy Stadium, at the closing event of the exhibition “Girls Just Wanna”, which deals with the feminine creative tradition and its power to create change, in the art world specifically and in the world in general.
At Marie Gallery, Yishai Liessner will present “Scary Clothes from Jerusalem”, a performance revolving around the clothing line he designs. The performance will combine different motifs from the city of Jerusalem, which is sacred for many faiths, but sometimes needs people to believe in it.
Jonathan Omer Mizrahi, whose solo exhibition “ÆFFEKTA DEFEKTA” will open at the Art Cube Artists Studios gallery, will collaborate with Avital Geva – a conceptual artist, an educator and the founder of the Ecological Greenhouse at Ein Shemer, which is featured in the exhibition – and together they will perform a piece that centers around questions regarding tradition and the possibility of a shared vision.
Next to the Artists Studios, at Davidov Auto Center, Yossi Berg and Oded Graf will perform their dance piece “4 Fantasies and a Monkey”, in which dancers and audience meet to be together, imagine, create worlds, and remind each other the possibility of escaping the dullness of everyday life. The piece is inspired by Peter Brook’s mythological book “The Empty Space”, in which he describes the roles of the theatrical experience and its necessity for the lonely soul.
Elements will be concluded on Saturday by the Jerusalem Vocal Consort, in a concert that is a prayer for peace, assembled from Renaissance- and Baroque-era chants. The lyrics of the chants are taken from various peace prayers which appear in the Jewish, Christian and Islamic scriptures.
So that the Skies will Join
18:00-19:15Shirel Horowitz and Maya SharabaniShirel Horowitz and Maya Sharabani will inhabit the space of A Studio of Her Own and for one evening create a performance which will take form in collaboration with the audience. During the performance 2D and 3D pieces will accumulate, next to which the artists will explore, share and tell personal stories that will provide a glimpse of their relationship; a relationship of friendship, creativity and mutual inspiration. For them, these constitute the possibility of power and faith.
19:00-19:40Gai SherfInstruments built by Gai Sherf are placed at the Ticho House garden. They are activated by moving them, sending sounds into the air, like ancient devices of long distance communication and signaling. The garden, filled with sound-producing objects, invites spontaneous musical interaction and offers a space for listening and playing together. Through the evening, several musicians will join for an improvised concert, and will together create a sonic space and animate the “playing forest”, introducing other instruments into it.
The soundtrack for Talia Hoffman’s film “Man-Made”, which is featured in the exhibition “Recollection” at Ticho House, was created using the instruments placed at the center of the garden. The film follows the ecosystem of Yatir forest as a metaphor for Israel’s existence to the east of the Mediterranean Sea, and raises questions regarding ownership of the land. The performance, the film and the exhibition arouse contemplations of our beliefs relating to the earth, landscapes and nature.
The performance was created with the support of the Israel Museum and the Visual Arts Department of the Jerusalem Municipality
Motus Tardus
20:00Ehud LaxA dialogical performance between sound, man and machine – musician and sound technician Ehud Lax will create a series of real-time sound interventions in the installation “Body of Time” created by artist Michael Shilo (curator: Avital Wechsler). The installation, made of mechanical parts and sensory motors, will respond to surprising signals and sounds which will breathe new life into it and discover what it is that time and sound record in the body of the machine.
Whispers for the Soul
20:00-20:40Yosefa Zaouch“Whispers for the Soul” is a meditative, healing vocal performance that combines Lullabies from across the globe with soothing, caressing songs from the jewish scriptures, some well-known and some original. The performance leads the listener to relaxation, which in turn leads to a healing and liberating experience, connects heart and soul, and allows for rest and calmness. During the performance, the audience Lies down on mats and mattresses, for an optimally relaxing experience.