The Mixer | “Pictures at an Exhibition” – musical paintings and open questions about undefined thoughts
Saturday 13.07 | 20:30 – doors open | 21:00 curtain-up
With: Shalosh / guest artists: Maya Belsitzman, Daniella Tourgeman, Rebel Sun and Tula Ben Ari
In the winter of 1874, after the death of the painter Viktor Hartmann, the Russian musician Mussorgsky composed a ten-part work, dedicated to the memory of his painter friend, called “Pictures at an Exhibition”. The movements he wrote simulated the feeling of observing the paintings of the deceased, and interwoven between them were interludes which described the feeling of the visitor passing through the paintings in the exhibition.
While words have the power to convey a precise and poignant message, music actually has the ability to hold multiple messages at once, to hold a wonderful complexity between us, and to send each of us to a completely different place. For the concert that closes the Manofim Festival of 2024, the international jazz band Shalosh will be joined by the colorful musicians Maya Belsitzman, Daniella Turgeman, Rebel Sun and Tula Ben Ari, and together with them we will embark on a journey between images that might have not yet been created or are already embedded in our collective consciousness for entire generations. During the concert, we will move between the realm of abstract improvisation and songs which were chosen specially for its decoration, and which will try to guide us through the exhibition in our pulsating imagination.
Gadi Stern – Piano
David Michaeli – Double bass
Matan Assayag – Drums
Maya Belsitzman – Cello and vocals
Daniella Tourgeman – Vocals
Tal TULA Ben Ari – Vocals
Rebel Sun – Rap