The Mixer | “Devotion” – the Blind Orchestra rolls down an invisible path

Thursday 11.07 | 20:30 – doors open | 21:00 – curtain-up

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With: Yael Deckelbaum, Jenny Penkin, Alon Neuman, Eyal Talmudi, Dor Levin, Yair “Nabi” Bar-Maoz, Nahdi Lazar and Dov “Balu” Rosen

There are many moments at which we close our eyes, sometimes almost without noticing. During deep prayer, a surprising feeling of fear, or even just sneezing, the eyes close by themselves, regulating and turning off the sense of sight. Perhaps this is how we allow ourselves to be less overwhelmed with information, to deal with and take control of the intensity of feelings. In our dynamic and turbulent lives, closing one’s eyes by choice can also be a particularly powerful tool. A tool that allows us to discern the reality that takes shape within us, and to try to imagine a world that is beyond what is offered to us through external vision.

This is the action around which the Blind Orchestra is built, a momentary and evolving concept founded by musician Dov “Balu” Rosen, which brings together a variety of gifted musicians who for one evening choose to devote themselves to the depths of blindness. For our festival, eight unique musical talents join on this one-time journey – Yael Deckelbaum, Jenny Penkin, Alon Neuman, Eyal Talmudi, Dor Levin, Yair “Nabi” Bar-Maoz, Nahdi Lazar and Dov “Balu” Rosen.

Throughout the performance, with a variety of musical instruments scattered around them, the musicians will improvise and be operated by a conductor’s baton over several sessions that will be woven on the spot and invented according to the dictates of the moment. With a touch on the head – start singing or stop. With a touch on the hand – start playing or stop. And the way? It winds with our breathing. The pieces are improvised and develop organically and associatively, in front of the audience and sometimes even with its participation, and are filled with adventure, groove, creativity and humor.

Yael Deckelbaum – Vocals

Eyal Talmudi – Reeds

Dov Balu – Drums

Jenny Penkin – Vocals

Alon Neuman – Drums, spoken word, vocals

Yair “Nabi” Bar-Maoz – Guitar and vocals

Dor Levin – Keyboards, bouzouki, drums

Nahdi Lazar – Bass, keyboards

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