Photo by: Jonathan Omer Mizrahi
Photo by: Jonathan Omer Mizrahi

Elements | Horizon

Friday, 12.07.24 | 13:00 | Performance at the Art Cube Artists Studios

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“Horizon” – a collaborative performance by Jonathan Omer Mizrahi and Avital Geva, in which they join forces in front of an audience,  in painting and text which center around questions regarding tradition and the possibility of a shared vision.

In his solo exhibition “ÆFFEKTA DEFEKTA” which will open at the Artists Studios, Jonathan Omer Mizrahi presents a film trilogy he created in various greenhouses, one of which is Avital Geva’s greenhouse in Ein Shemer. Avital Geva is a conceptual artist, an educator and the founder of the Ecological Greenhouse at Ein Shemer, which is featured in the exhibition. Geva represented Israel with the Greenhouse work in the Israeli pavilion at the 1993 Venice Biennale.

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How to get there

Exhibition at the Art Cube Artists Studios | ÆFFEKTA DEFEKTA

Artists: Jonathan Omer Mizrahi | Curator: Yoav Weinfeld and Omer Sheizaf

Exhibition at the Art Cube Artists Studios | Invitation To Sit Down

Artists: Dan Dan Bashi | Chief Curator: Lee He Shulov | Curator: Neta Moses

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