In a time characterized by a great deal of confusion, after many institutions, conventions and structures collapsed on all of us, it seems that we have a need to go back to the basics. What is the source of the human need for music? How can one return to experiencing it in a more direct and primal way? When we were born, we produced sounds and listened to them. There was no separation between artist and audience, we all created, and that’s where we want to go back, even if for one evening. Be together. In partner.
Ruth Dolores Weiss, Yehu Yaron and Ella Ronen, three songwriters, offer a meeting that is a new creature – a hybrid between a performance, a workshop and an open rehearsal; An exposed performance, where everyone sits together as people, without any separation, and creates music together. Whether in singing, in a rhythmic element, or in any other way, the artists will perform songs of all three of them, and also songs that they particularly like, together with you, with the continual reminder to leave room for conversation, emotion and the unexpected.
Ella Ronen – Vocals
Ruth Dolores Weiss – Piano and vocals
Yehu Yaron – Bass and vocals
More Information
In times of crisis we sometimes tend to think that we must choose the instinct of survival, which reduces and streamlines, and in doing so, perhaps give up art. Supposedly, it seems that we cannot afford to waste resources on that which is considered a luxury. However, time and time again history confronts us with the fact that man cannot be reduced to a purely rational and survivalist machine, and that it is possible that in choosing art lies the profound difference between mere existing and actually living and that it is the only thing that allows us to develop, progress and contain the complexity as well.
This year we chose to take apart and reassemble everything that seemed obvious to us. This is also how the musical spaces of the Mixer series at the festival were created. Three gatherings of music and spirit, manifesting multiple questions about and examining different dimensions of faith, shared destiny, devotion and harmony, and the ability to imagine today’s tomorrow.
All performances will take place at the main stage on the roof of the Art Cube Artists’ Studios in Jerusalem
Artistic director of the Mixer: Itamar Bernstein
Artistic director of Manofim festival: Rinat Edelstein
Producer: Shir Wiesel
Stage design, lighting and sound: OFFBiT Collective
How to get there
Rooftop of the Art Cube Artists' Studios, Ha’Oman 26 st., Jerusalem