The Mixer | “In Partner” – an exposed performance for an equilateral triad

Friday 12.07 | 18:00 doors open | 19:00 curtain-up

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With: Ella Ronen, Ruth Dolores Weiss, Yehu Yaron

In a time characterized by a great deal of confusion, after many institutions, conventions and structures collapsed on all of us, it seems that we have a need to go back to the basics. What is the source of the human need for music? How can one return to experiencing it in a more direct and primal way? When we were born, we produced sounds and listened to them. There was no separation between artist and audience, we all created, and that’s where we want to go back, even if for one evening. Be together. In partner.

Ruth Dolores Weiss, Yehu Yaron and Ella Ronen, three songwriters, offer a meeting that is a new creature – a hybrid between a performance, a workshop and an open rehearsal; An exposed performance, where everyone sits together as people, without any separation, and creates music together. Whether in singing, in a rhythmic element, or in any other way, the artists will perform songs of all three of them, and also songs that they particularly like, together with you, with the continual reminder to leave room for conversation, emotion and the unexpected.

Ella Ronen – Vocals

Ruth Dolores Weiss – Piano and vocals

Yehu Yaron – Bass and vocals

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