Photo by: Goni Riskin
Photo by: Goni Riskin

Elements | Nico Teen

Friday, 12.07.24 | 12:00 | Performance at The New Gallery Artists Studios Teddy

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Nico Teen’s creative Processes include composition and manipulation using tapes, archive materials and various electronic instruments. In the performance “Girls Just Wanna”, which is influenced by the exhibition on display, she will deal with disassembling and reassembling forms which are typical to Pop music, and explore vocal expression through original text of the same genre.

Vocals: Zohar Shafir

Bass: Shahar Yahalom

Drums: Aviv Ezra

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How to get there

Exhibition at The New Gallery Artists Studios Teddy | Girls Just Wanna

Artists: Eden Auerbach Ofrat, Riky Elkayam, Bianca Eshel Gershuni, Anat Betzer, Izabella Volovnik, Sivan Lavie, Yael Meiry, Ayala Netzer, Galia Pasternak, Nil and Karin Romano, Lior Schur | Curator: Ayala Landaw
Nil and Karin Romano, It's Not Blood It's Red Wine, We Swear, acrylic paint on canvas, 2019
Nil and Karin Romano, It's Not Blood It's Red Wine, We Swear, acrylic paint on canvas, 2019

Exhibition at The New Gallery Artists Studios Teddy | Hall Talk 11 - Window

Artist: Yair Hovav | Curator: Matan Ben-Tolila
Yair Hovav, Window 3, photography, 2009
Yair Hovav, Window 3, photography, 2009

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