Photo by: Dor Kedmi
Photo by: Dor Kedmi

Manofim Tours

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A refreshing summer version of Manofim’s gallery tours program. A combination of the new exhibitions opening in galleries and exhibition spaces, and of art in public spaces. On the tours we will meet the curators of the exhibitions and different artists, and get to know the sculptures, murals, mosaics and outdoor works, as well as the stories behind them. The tours are all on foot, divided according to the different areas of the city, and are all led by Dori Ben Alon, a contemporary art researcher and art tour guide.

Please note that the number of participants is very limited.

There is a minimum number of participants needed for the tour to take place.


Heart of the City

10:00-12:00Koresh 14 * Art in public spaces: Igael Tumarkin, Avraham Ofek * Musrara * Jerusalem Print Workshop
The entrance to the building at 14 Koresh st., next to the Armenian ceramics wall

The first tour begins at the Koresh 14 Gallery. We will visit the exhibition “Between a Kiss and a Fist” by artist Eyal Sasson (curated by Vered Hadad). We will pass by Igael Tumarkin’s sculpture that is placed at the entrance to the building, and walk to Avraham Ofek’s mural in the central post office. From there we will continue to the graduate exhibition of the Musrara School of Art, and conclude the tour with the Print Workshop, which marks 50 years of printmaking with a particularly festive exhibition with dozens of leading Israeli artists (curated by Arik Kilemnik and Merav Hamburger).

Central City

17:00-19:00Azrieli Gallery at Hadassah College * Ticho House * Barbur Gallery * Vision Gallery * Art in public spaces
The Entrance to Hadassah College in Jerusalem, 38 Hanevi’im st.

We will start at the Azrieli Gallery at Hadassah College, where we will meet the gallery’s curator Shani Avivi who will tell us about the group exhibition “Scorched Earth”. From there we will continue to the historic Ticho House, where we will hear the story of the building and of the artist Anna Ticho, who has made her home in the building together with her husband Dr. Ticho. Afterwards we will visit “Recollection”, a contemporary art exhibition in which the works were all made with reference to the photography collection of the Israel Museum (curated by Tamara Abramovitch and Ilanit Konopny). Approaching the end of the tour, we will walk towards Nahalat Shiv’a, where we will see two outdoor sculptures by the artist Moshe Shek, and we will eventually arrive at the Vision Gallery to meet Noah Folberg, who founded and manages the gallery, for a conversation about photography and a glimpse of the gallery’s collection.

Photo by: Daniel Hanoch
Photo by: Daniel Hanoch

Around the Mahane Yehuda Market

10:00-12:00The Jerusalem Artists House * Agripas 12 Gallery * Marie Gallery * Blackbox Street Gallery
The Entrance to the Artists House

The tour will begin at the Jerusalem Artists House. We will hear about the building, which was part of the historic Bezalel complex, visit the group exhibition “Evil Root” accompanied by curator Sally Haftel Naveh, where we will also meet the artist Daniel Kep, who will tell us about his work displayed in the exhibition. From there we will continue to Agripas Street, to visit two cooperative galleries located in the same building: at the Marie Gallery we will see Rina Ezroni’s solo exhibition “Dream Garment” (curated by Roni Baroth), and then, at Agripas 12 Gallery, we will meet the artist Oded Zidel in his exhibition “Tiny” (curated by Dvir Shaked). We will conclude the tour with the exhibition “Jewish Women: A World of Tradition and Change” by artist Joan Roth (curated by Asaf Cohan and Yitzhak Mizrahi), which is displayed in the Blackbox street gallery, near Davidka Square.

Art Cube Artists Studios

10:00-12:00Art Cube Artists Studios
Outside the Artists Studios building, near the entrance to Davidov Auto Center, 26 HaOman St., Talpyiot

On our last tour we will visit the Artists Studios in Talpiot. We will start at the entrance to the building with murals by artists Reut Asimini, KLONE and יוהנס מוגלינר. We will continue the tour by meeting with the artist Dan Dan Bashi in his exhibition “Invitation to Sit Down” (curated by Neta Moses). Afterwards we will visit the studio of Neta Moses, who curated Bashi’s exhibition and is also an artist herself. We will talk to her about her creative processes and the intersection of art and curation. From there we will continue to visit the exhibition of artist Jonathan Omer Mizrahi, which includes a video trilogy dealing with greenhouses, and end the tour with visiting the studio of multidisciplinary artist Gabriel Klezmer.

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